Catechetical Ministry

Catechism Classes

God is love. It is important that young school going children at this tender age understand the love of God and the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our dedicated Catechists prepare lessons based on a syllabus for their faith formation. They prepare the children for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion in Primary, followed by continuous faith formation leading to the Sacrament of Confirmation in Secondary. The children are expected to attend at least 80% of the classes before they proceed to the next level.

  • Catechism classes are on Sundays
  • 9.30am (Kindergarten 1 to Primary 5)
  • 11:00 am (Primary 6 to Secondary 4)
  • For more information, please contact our Coordinator, Verna at 9457 0191.


Registration Forms are available below. Please download the Form, complete it, attach a copy of the child’s birth certificate and drop them off at the Parish Office.


Recruitment of Catechists and Parent Volunteers

If you are drawn to working with children and youth and would like to volunteer with the Catechetical Ministry, please fill in the registration form available below and drop them off at the Parish Office.

Some Useful links