Migrants Welfare Committee
Target People
Tamil Speaking migrant workers in Singapore.
To address and support the needs and concerns of the Tamil Speaking migrant workers in Singapore.
To work towards the common good and uphold the dignity of every Tamil Speaking migrant worker in the light of the teachings of the church.
- Provide financial, social and legal assistance, counseling and befriending services to Tamil Speaking migrant workers in Singapore.
- Network with the Archdiocese of Singapore and ACMI to assist Tamil Speaking migrant workers in Singapore.
- Provide research data towards advocacy and awareness on the issues faced by Tamil Speaking migrant workers in Singapore.
- Enhancing spiritual and social programmes for Tamil Speaking migrant workers in Singapore.
- Foreign Domestic Workers (FDW)
- Foreign Construction Workers (FCW)
- Foreign Shipyard and Factory Workers (FS&FW)
Our Programme
- Casework and Counseling
- Referral to various organisations
- Free Legal Assistance
- Free Medical Clinic (Part-time/Volunteer basis)
- Agape Ministry
Programme Modes
- Bible Sharing & Prayer
- Counseling
- Events & Programmes
- Language Training
- Computer Literacy
- Publicity
AGAPE Ministry
Agape ministry of the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes upholds the welfare of Tamil Speaking migrant workers above one’s own. It is not a separate entity but it is operated by Welfare Committee for Tamil Speaking migrant workers under the guidelines of PPC EXCO and by the control of Parish Priest and the Archdiocese of Singapore.
Food Distribution
Food is provided for all the migrant workers with the help of our sponsors and volunteers on the following days:
- Lunch – Every Sunday after the Bible Sharing
- Dinner – Every Sunday after the evening mass
- Light Dinner – Every Saturday after OLPS Novena (Tamil)
- Refreshment & Breakfast – Night Vigil Service (Second Saturday of the month)
- Lunch or Dinner – On special occasions.
Be a Donor
- In order to support the welfare of these migrant workers, donations (PayNow/Cash/Cheque) are welcome.
- All cheques must be crossed and be payable to Church of Our Lady of Lourdes.
- If you like to donate or contribute towards food distribution, kindly contact Fr. Leo Justin.
- For more information, please contact our Parish Office.