The Roman Catholic Church considers infant baptism so important that parents are obliged to see that their infants are baptised within the first few weeks and, if the infant is in danger of death, it is to be baptised without any delay.” The practice of infant Baptism is an immemorial tradition of the Church. There is an explicit testimony to this practice from the second century on, and it is quite possible that, from the beginning of the apostolic preaching, when whole ‘households’ received baptism, infants may also have been baptised”. Infant baptism is seen as showing very clearly that salvation is an unmerited favour from God, not the fruit of human effort. Born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original sin, children also have need of the new birth in Baptism to be freed from the power of darkness and brought into the realm of the freedom of the children of God, to which all men are called.
The parents ask for the baptism of the child. In doing so, parents who are themselves baptised acknowledge taking on the responsibilities of training the child in the practice of the faith and bringing up their child in the ways of Christ. This includes:
Non-Catholic parents who give their consent for baptism do not need to do anything that is against their religious or personal beliefs. Nevertheless, they are invited:
** Please note that this applies to those who have Non-Catholic spouses. At least one parent still is required to be a baptised and practicing Catholic. The Baptism of Children is essentially an extension of the faith professed and practiced by their parent(s).
The God Parents have two important functions:
Parents may choose up to two official God Parents.
If you wish to have your child baptised, please follow these steps for application:
For more information, application form and to reserve a date for the baptism please contact our Parish Office or email
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