Ministry of Hospitality
We meet the faithful at the church entrance and lead them to appropriate places. Our duty begins before the liturgy begins. HMs need to be in place at least twenty minutes prior to the start of worship as we need to make a quick check of the church cleanliness. But our primary duties are to greet people and assist them in finding a place to sit. At Masses, we also assist in the collection and maintain order and proper behaviour during worship or at other church activities which require reverence and a prayerful environment.
Our Mission
- To be friendly, caring and helpful to God’s people
- To enhance the worship experience
- To welcome parishioners to the church and help them to be seated before Mass begins
- To arrange for the gift bearers and guide them for the offertory procession
- To organise the queue at the Communion points to receive communion
- To lead the Communion Minister to the elderly or sick when necessary
- To distribute leaflets etc after Mass
- To control traffic and parking in the church compound.
- To clear the pews of leaflets left behind by parishioners after Mass
- To assist parishioners & visitors and respond to their queries
We are looking to recruit more members committed to performing duties for large Masses and are inviting more young members to inject some renewal into the Ministry as we bond with and support each other in this Ministry.
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