Adult Baptism (RCIA)

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is the process by which non-Catholics enter the Catholic Faith. To become a Catholic, one must understand the teachings of the Church, believe in those teachings, and be a baptized Catholic. If someone is not baptized, through RCIA they will learn the tenants of the Catholic Faith and conclude their journey with the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism into the Church. If someone was baptized as a Protestant, they will study the teachings of the Catholic Faith in RCIA and conclude their journey with their entrance into the Church by a priest, which may include conditional Baptism.
RCIA requires not only academic preparation but also a commitment to the Church’s teachings. RCIA classes, almost a year-long journey, begin in our parish every year around May and conclude before Easter, with Baptisms taking place at the Easter Vigil Mass on the night of Holy Saturday. Please contact our Parish Office for more information.

Our new RCIA is in progress since
22-June-2021, Tuesdays at 7:30 pm
We welcome non-Catholics to find out more about our Catholic faith, and Baptised Catholics to be a part of our team as a sponsor to journey together with the inquirers. If you are interested, please contact our Parish Office or email us at colol.secretariat@catholic.org.sg to register. Thank you.
(Please note that the lessons may be conducted online due to COVID-19 situation)
Application Form for RCIA Inquirers