The Sacrament of Confirmation completes the Sacrament of Baptism. At Confirmation, the person receiving the sacrament is sent forth with special graces that enable him/her to be a disciple of Christ and an evangeliser of the Catholic faith. This sacrament is reminiscent of Pentecost, when God sent the Holy Spirit down on the apostles as a teacher and helper in living out a faithful and holy life.
- Confirmation is received through two different channels of the Church depending on your age:
- Catechetical Programme
- After their baptisms, children may enrol in Catechism.
- The Sacrament of Confirmation is administered to Secondary 3 students as part of the Catechetics programme.

Important Roles
The Role of Candidates
- Those to be confirmed must be suitably instructed and properly disposed.
- They must be willing to be involved in the preparation program with the intention of remaining faithful to Christ and his Church.
The Role of the Sponsor
- Each candidate, with the help of his or her parents, is responsible for choosing a sponsor. It is recommended that, if possible, the baptismal sponsor also be the confirmation sponsor. This choice would express more clearly the relationship between Baptism and Confirmation and would make the function of the sponsor more effective.
- Church law states that the sponsor must be at least sixteen years of age. He or she must be a confirmed Catholic who has received Holy Eucharist and is living according to the Catholic faith. The sponsor may not be the mother or father of the one to be confirmed. It is the responsibility of the sponsor to give assurance of his or her qualifications.
- Sponsors take on a lifelong commitment to help their candidates fulfil the obligations of this sacrament. During the time of preparation, the sponsors are expected to take an active role in the confirmation program and meet with their candidates on a regular basis.
- Sponsors must be present at the confirmation practice and ceremony. Their immediate role demands time, commitment, and willingness to engage in faith-sharing activities with their candidates. Persons who are too young or who are too busy to devote proper time and care to the candidates would not be able to fulfil this role.
Appoint a Godparent
- The Godparent must already be baptised and confirmed.
- The Godparent will take on the responsibility of assisting and supporting the parents in providing guidance to the confirmand by word, action and good example.
- Catechesis for Confirmation
- Candidates are to attend the compulsory sessions organised by the church.
- Baptismal Certificate
- Candidates will need to produce the original copy of their baptismal certificate which is to be submitted together with their Confirmation Application Form.
- Adopt a Confirmation name
- Lastly, although not compulsory, candidates are to adopt a confirmation name. You may adopt the name of a saint whose life has provided you with a good example to emulate.
Please refer to our Catechetical Ministry page for preparing your children for Confirmation