Holy Matrimony
God created man and woman out of love and commanded them to imitate His love in their relations with each other. By their marriage, the couple witnesses Christ’s spousal love for the Church. Through this liturgical celebration of marriage, husband and wife enter into a covenant which is also a Sacrament. If you would like to know more information about Holy Matrimony, contact our Parish Office.

Procuedure For The Holy Matrimony
- Confirm with the priest that he is free to preside at the wedding and that the church is available on the selected date.
Do this at least six (6) months in advance. The priest who agrees to officiate at your wedding will be the one to make the booking of the church in our system.
- Once the date is confirmed
Please email colol.pastoral@catholic.org.sg
- The Archdiocese requires couples to attend the Marriage Preparation Course or the Catholic Engaged Encounter before the wedding.
Places are limited, so please make inquiries six months to a year ahead. Details are available at www.catholic.org.sg/mpc and www.ceespore.sg
- You will also need to apply to the Registry of Marriages (ROM) for permission to marry if you are not already married at the Registry.
ROM requires registration 3 months before the wedding.
- Fix a date for an interview with the priest and bring along the following documents:
- Birth certificates Extract and NRICs/Passports of both parties
- Baptismal Certificates from church(es) of baptism, issued within the past 6 months
- Full names, NRIC/Passport number(s) and contact number(s) of 2 witnesses
- Certificate of Marriage (if previously registered at ROM)
- Certificate of Completion of Engaged Encounter Weekend or Marriage Preparation Course, In addition, if applicable, copies of the following documents are required:
- Certificate(s) of any other previous marriage(s)
- Certificate(s) of any previous divorce(s)
- Certificate(s) of the death of the previous spouse(s)
- Medical statement of the present condition of pregnancy
- As a Catholic, you are required to baptise and bring up your children in the Catholic faith.
In a mixed marriage, the Catholic party would be required to undertake this obligation. The non-Catholic party would have to sign that he/she understands the obligation undertaken by the Catholic party.
- For the wedding, Catholic couples normally celebrate their marriage within a Mass.
A wedding mass can be celebrated on any weekday subject to availability of the priest and the church.

Church Expenses
Please contact our Parish Office for more information.
- There will be no charge if you accept the regular weekly floral arrangements by the Church.
- If you wish to have special flowers or specific colour themes, we will put you in touch with our professional church florist.
- The cost will be borne by the couple and the flowers will remain in the designated areas at the sanctuary.
- Please speak to the Secretariat if you would like to engage an external florist.
Wedding Booklets
- To help you in preparing wedding booklets for your guests, you will find a good selection of prayers, scripture readings, the Marriage Rite, etc…, in the book Together for Life by Fr Joseph Champlin which is available for sale at the Magnificat Book Shop.
- If you would like to print the wedding booklets on your own, please consult our parish priests or the relevant priest the selection of prayers, scripture readings, the Marriage Rite, songs, etc.
- You are welcome to use the church for a rehearsal before your wedding.
- Please contact our Parish Office to make a booking for an appropriate date and time.
Offering to the Priest
- Traditionally, an offering is given to the minister for his services in preparing and presiding at the wedding.
- If you have your own musicians, arrangements can be made for them to have a short practice on the church keyboard.
- Otherwise, you may wish to contact the choir coordinators who may be able to assist you.
- Please refer to the Wedding Booking Form for details of donations.
photography and video recording
- Please note that in order to maintain respect for the sacred spaces, photographers and videographers may not enter the Sanctuary / Altar area.
- If you wish to continue photo taking in the church grounds after the wedding, please ensure that the bridal cars are cleared from the church entrance to facilitate the arrival of the next bridal party or the churchgoers.
- If you wish to our Parish Multi-Purpose Hall or St. Bernadette’s Hall for your wedding reception, please make your booking at least 1 month in advance.
- Please refer to the Wedding Booking Form for details of donations.
- Terms and conditions apply.
wedding booklet form
For more information, forms and to reserve a date for your wedding please email colol.pastoral@catholic.org.sg.
Do note that the church will begin its renovation and restoration work in December 2020. As such, we may not be able to take any wedding bookings till the end of 2021. However, if you require a celebrant for your wedding at another parish, the priests of the parish are available.